Transformational Wellness
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Embrace and Reclaim the Totality of You.

Therapeutic Bodywork and Wellness Consulting To Help You Live a More Balanced, Healthier, and Empowered Life.


Therapeutic Bodywork and Wellness Consulting  To Help You Live a More Balance, Healthier, and Empowered Life

What chronic challenges are holding you back from truly living a more empowered, balanced, and healthier life?

Debilitating Pain? High levels of Stress and Anxiety? Looking for healthy lifestyle solutions? Selecting Trustworthy Pre/Postnatal Care? searching for experienced customized Physical/energetic recovery and support?


You deserve to live beyond the confines of chronic pain, unhealthy lifestyle choices, limitation and dysfunction. I like to say, that in order to fully overcome our personal obstacles, you have to go to it, to move through it.  You don’t have to do this work alone; I can act as your guide on your journey to live in balance of body, mind, and spirit.

Together working with advanced therapeutic bodywork, state of the art modalities and collaborative body/mind re-patterning we’ll develop a tailored wellness program for you to support your body, mind, and spirit. With my encouragement and expert guidance, you’ll become empowered to shed the burden of limiting old habits and negative pain patterns. You’ll develop tools to help you break free from the relationship with unresolved chronic physical pain and it’s emotional challenges. You can begin the journey to truly have the choice to connect with your own inner wisdom and profoundly transform your life.


What does it mean to transform?

Transform your wellness.
Living a transformed life is living free from the weight of pain and hardship.

Living a transformed life is living free from the weight of pain and hardship.

 This is not to say that a transformed life doesn’t include pain and hardship, however, it means that the transformed individual has the capacity and capability to take better care when challenges arise. Transformational Wellness provides a supportive foundation to help people grow beyond chronic limitations so that challenges like emotional and physical pain or discomfort don’t inhibit progress and personal development.

I’ll help you rediscover your connection to your true self, and reclaim your natural gifts and personal power. We’ll work together to make changes in your life that support you to live a more peaceful, joyous, loving, and healthy life. You’ll stop feeling stuck in a negative loop of pain. You will feel more capable and courageous to confront and move beyond challenges.

You will transform. 


The Alchemy of a Life Well-Lived


Transformational Wellness supports women and men in need of a change. I’m most equipped to provide services to:

People who feel over-extended, anxious, and stressed
Individuals living with chronic pain or illness
Pre and Post-Partum Women
Pre and Perimenopausal Women
Women 55+
Individuals dealing with addiction or addictive behaviors and or recovery


Deep healing is a very personal and profound experience. If you are curious if you can benefit from my services, let’s have a conversation. We can connect for a free 15-minute consultation where I can learn more about your particular needs, and I can let you know if I have the tools to help you.


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